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John Lennon December 1971

Title: Farewell Luncheon For U Thant (Reuters)
Type: TV News
Filming Location: Hotel Pierre, New York City, New York
Filming Date: December 14th 1971
Broadcast Date: December 14th 1971
Country Of Broadcast: USA
Duration: 01:46 Minutes
Quality: B
Source: "John Lennon The Lennon Years 1969-1971" (BA Productions)
Other Sources: "John Lennon Forty Years Later" (BedHead Productions)
Notes: John & Yoko were invited to the official luncheon for Sithu U Thant, the retiring secretary-general of the United Nations.
John was asked to perform and so borrowed a guitar and performed his song "Imagine".
Cameras from the local New York WCBS news were there and filmed the performance and managed a brief interview with John which was shown on that nights news broadcast.
Reuters were also on hand and filmed the occasion including a whole 2 seconds of John & Yoko at the luncheon (sadly they didn`t include any of John`s performance).
The WCBS footage is currently not available but does still exist in the WCBS archives.