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The Beatles June 1964

Title: Arrival in Sydney (British Pathe)
Type: Newsreel
Filming Location: Mascot Airport, Sydney, Australia
Filming Date: June 18th 1964
Broadcast Date: June 18th 1964
Country Of Broadcast: Australia
Duration: 01:37 Minutes
Quality: B
Source: "The Beatles 1964 Vol 14" (FAB Productions)
Other Sources: "The Beatles British Pathe News 1963-1971" (BA Productions)
Notes: Following their series of concerts in Melbourne they flew onto Sydney for another 6 concerts over 3 days at the Sydney Stadium.
Once again after leaving the plane they were ushered onto the same flat bed truck they had used when they first landed in Sydney a week ago and did a circuit or two for the thousands of screaming fans.
Unlike the first time, it wasn`t pouring with rain though it was overcast.
Cameras from the two local Sydney TV channels, ATN 7 & TCN 9 were on hand as was the national channel ABC Channel 2 and a newsreel crew from Cinesound amongst others.
This British Pathe newsreel is mostly the Beatles on the flat bed truck circling the airport.