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John Lennon May 1972

Title: Interview In New York #1 (Underground News)
Type: TV Show
Filming Location: Record Plant, New York City, New York
Filming Date: May 5th 1972
Broadcast Date: May 22nd 1972
Country Of Broadcast: USA
Duration: 03:18 Minutes
Quality: B
Source: "John Lennon Forty Years Later" (BedHead Productions)
Other Sources: "John Lennon Remastered Archives 1972 Vol 2" (FAB Productions)
Notes: John & Yoko were interviewed at the Record Plant recording studio in New York today, during an Elephants Memory mixing session, for the obscure "Underground News" TV Show.
This program was a cable-like UHF news program broadcast in Chicago, hosted by Chuck Collins who conducted today`s interview.
The cameras also filmed David Peel performing a couple of numbers and there`s even a brief glimpse of Mick Jagger, who had dropped by for a visit.
This interview has not been seen in full since it was first broadcast but it does still exist in perfect quality as snippets have turned up in programs and documentaries over the years.
58 seconds of excerpts from "NBC Dateline" in good quality colour are available on bootleg.
In 2020 Underground News shared a longer upgraded edit of the interview on their yotube channel.
The complete 48 minute interview remains in the hands of collectors.